Offering A: Traditional Funeral
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, obituary preparation (basic fee), funeral ceremony at our chapel or ceremony in other facility, committal ceremony at graveside, embalming and other preparation of deceased, local use of funeral coach, lead / flower car, and service car.
- [121 - 100 - 113 - 117 - 101 - 103 - 122 - 124 - 125] $5865
Offering B: Traditional Funeral for Cremation
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, obituary preparation (basic fee), funeral ceremony at our chapel, or ceremony in other facility, embalming and other preparation of deceased,local use of funeral coach and service car.
- [121 - 100 - 113 - 101 - 103 – 122 - 125 ] $5240
Offering C: Graveside Funeral
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, obituary preparation (basic fee), other preparation of deceased, ceremony at graveside, local use of funeral coachand service car.
- [121 - 100 - 105 - 117 - 122 - 125] $3995
Offering D: Direct Cremation with Memorial Service and Burial of Cremated Remains
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, obituary preparation (basic fee), ceremony at our chapel or ceremony in other facility, committal service at graveside, other preparation of deceased, local use of funeral coach and service car.
- [121 – 100 - 115 - 117 - 105 – 122 - 125] $4540
Offering E: Direct Cremation with Memorial Service
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, obituary preparation (basic fee), ceremony at our chapel or ceremony in other facility, other preparation of deceased, local use of funeral coach and service car.
- [121 – 100 - 115 - 105 – 122 - 125 ] $4190
Offering F: Direct Cremation with Burial of Cremated Remains
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, obituary preparation (basic fee), service at graveside, other preparation of deceased, and local use of funeral coach and service car.
- [121 - a portion of 100 - 117 – 105 – 122 - 125] $3995
Offering G: Direct Cremation without Memorial Service
Local transfer of deceased to funeral home, services of funeral director and staff, use of facilities and equipment, and obituary preparation (basic fee), other preparation of deceased and local use of service car.
- [121 - a portion of 100 - 105 - 125] $1460
(Note: Offering G includes only a portion of our charge for the Basic Services of Funeral Directorand Staff. Any additional use of our services or facilities will require the full charge of this fee plus theadditional services and or facilities fee requested.)
Direct cremation with container provided by purchaser
- Direct cremation with alternative container provided by funeral home $1610
(These charges include local transfer to funeral home and crematory, shelter of remains, necessary services of staff and any required authorizations. These charges do not include visitations, rites, or ceremonies.) Alternative containers encase the body and can be made of materials like fiberboard or composition materials (with or without an outside covering). The container we provide is a pressed wood product, which may also be provided by the purchaser, providing it meets the State of New Hampshire's specifications.)
Anatomical Donation.
(This charge includes local transfer to funeral home, shelter of remains, and necessary services of staff and authorizations.These charges do not include visitations, rites, ceremonies, or transportation to medical school. Some medical schools will pay a portion of this charge. Arrangements with a medical school should be made before the death has occurred.)
- Immediate burial with casket provided by purchaser $3270
- Immediate burial with urn provided by purchaser $1960
(These charges for immediate burial, without any attendant rites or ceremonies, includes local transfer to funeral home, shelterof deceased, local transportation to cemetery and necessary services of staff and authorizations. Casket or urn and outer burialcontainer if required, must be selected from the funeral home or provided by purchaser.)
- Forwarding Deceased to Another Funeral Home - With minimum shipping container $3265
(These charges include local transfer of deceased to funeral home, necessary services of staff, embalming, authorizations, and transportation to airport. These charges do not include visitation, rites or ceremonies prior to forwarding of the deceased or casket selection.)
- Receiving Deceased from Another Funeral Home - With funeral ceremony at funeral home or other facility and graveside service $4165
- Receiving Deceased from Another Funeral Home - With graveside ceremony only $3595
(These charges include temporary shelter and local transportation of deceased to cemetery, necessary services of staff andauthorizations. These charges do not include use of facility for visitation / wake.)
The goods and services shown below are those that we can provide to our customers. You may choose only the items you desire.However, any funeral arrange-ments you select will include a charge for our basic services and overhead. If legal or other requirements mean you must buyany items you did not specifically ask for, we will explain the reason in writing on the statement we provide describing the funeral goods and services you selected.
This list does not include prices for certain items that you may have to purchase, such as cemetery or crematory services, flowers or newspaper notices. The prices for those items will be shown on your bill or the statement of funeral goods and services that you selected.
#100 Basic Services of Funeral Director and Staff
Our fee for the services of funeral director and staff includes, but is not limited to, staff to respond to initial request for service; arrangementconference with family and or / responsible party; arrangement of funeral; preparation and filing of necessary authorizationsand permits;recording vital statistics; preparation and placement of obituary notices; staff assistance prior to, during and following the funeral, includingcoordination with those providing other portions of the funeral, e.g. cemetery, crematory and others.
- $2295
(The funeral home has incorporated into the above fee a basic facilities charge of $850, which is a proportionalcharge used to meet overhead expenses such as professional licensing, legal and accounting fees, insurance, building and utility expenses, parking lot and grounds maintenance, taxes, equipment, furnishings, inventory costs, record keeping, secretarial and administrative expenses.)
(This fee for our basic services and overhead will be added to the total cost of funeral arrangements you select. This fee isalready included in our charges for direct cremations, immediate burials, and forwarding or receiving remains.)
#101 Embalming: the professional preparation, disinfection and care of the deceased.
- $950
(Except in certain special cases, embalming is not required by law. Embalming may be necessary, however, if you selectcertain funeral arrangements, such as a funeral with viewing. If you do not want embalming, you usually have the right to choose an arrangement that does not require you to pay for it, such as direct cremation or immediate burial.)
(No representations are made that embalming will delay decomposition of the deceased for a long or indefinite time.)
Other Preparation of Deceased
#102 Temperature controlled shelter of deceased
- (Storage charged per day or portion there of starting the 3rd day at the funeral home) $60
- #103 Dressing, casketing and standard cosmetology. $300
- #104 Dressing unembalmed remains. $200
#105 Casketing with burial pouch and surface disinfecting powder when embalming is not requested
- (may be necessary in certain cases) $200
Special care of autopsied remains.
- #106 a. Partial autopsy. $100
- #107 b. Complete autopsy. $300
#108 c. Organ, Bone, Skin Donation.
- (These fees will be paid by New England Organ Donor Services) $300 - $500
#109 Prepaid Funeral Guarantee – This choice will protect against future price increases for funeral services and merchandise. This guarantee is available by paying an additional 10% of the total charges for funeral home services and merchandise. The guarantee does not cover cash advances or third party expenses.
- #110 Visitation at the Funeral Home / Charge Per Hour. $225
(Our services will include set up of visitation, use of visitation room, placement of encased remains, display of floral arrangements,basic alternative container, and supervision and attendance during the visitation.)
#111 Private Family or Clinical Viewing
(Limited to no more than 10 people for up to 30 mins. Certain conditions may prohibit or add addition charges.)
- $300
- #113 Arrangement, direction and supervision of funeral ceremony at funeral home or other facility. $695
- #115 Arrangement, direction and supervision of memorial service at funeral home or other facility. $695
- #117 Arrangement, direction and supervision of committal ceremony or graveside service. $350 - $500
- #118 Additional funeral home charge for services or ceremonies held on weekends or holidays | Saturday $200/Sun & Holidays $300
- #119 Arrangement and coordination with clergy, cemetery, organist, soloist etc. for family to direct or supervise in other facility or cemetery or both without funeral director present. $250
- #120 Family witness cremation $250
(Automotive charges based on service area of 20 miles, 1stadditional 100 miles is charged at $6/mi one way, and $4/mi thereafter.)
- #121 Transfer of deceased to funeral home within 20 miles. $475
- #122 Funeral coach on day of funeral. $375
- #123 Limousine on day of funeral. $450
- #124 Flower car or lead car on day of funeral. $275
- #125 Service Car / Utility Vehicle. $150
- #126 Service vehicle used in place of funeral coach on day of funeral. $150
Caskets are available from $1,295 to $20,500 (a complete price list will be provided at the funeral home kiosk).
Outer burial containers are available from $1,500 to $16,475 (a complete price list will be provided at the funeral home kiosk). Urns are available from $100 to $760 (a complete price list will be provided at the funeral home kiosk).- #301 Alternative Container (minimum priced corrugated or wood base tray with corrugated cover) $150
(No representations are made that the use of a casket or outer burial container will delay the decomposition of the body for a long or indefinite time. Casket, outer burial container and urn may be selected or provided by purchaser.)
- #302 Basic register book, $30/ fifty acknowledgment cards$30/and one hundred memorial folders or prayer cards$125 | $185
- #303 Standard register book, $30/ fifty acknowledgment cards$40/ and one hundred memorial folders or prayer cards$155 | $225
- #304 Premium register book,$40/ fifty acknowledgement cards$50/and one hundred memorial folders or prayer cards$160 | $250
- #305 Elite register book,$50/ fifty acknowledgement cards$60/ and one hundred memorial folders or prayer cards$165 | $275
- #306 Customized memorial folders/ prayer cards with photo (per 100 / add $125 to #302 thru #305) | $125
- #307 Personalized order of service bulletin. (per 100 / Customized with personal photo if desired) | $250
- #308 Laminated bookmark (per bookmark) | $5
- #309 Lamination (per laminated item) | $1
- #310 Digital video disk (Up to 200 pictures) | $150
- #311 Permanent Memorial Web Site | $135
- #312 Additional digital video disk per copy | $20
- #313 Service Livestream or Recording | $100